Disaster recovery solutions are software tools that support backup, replication, failover, and recovery of data, systems, and infrastructure. They enable businesses to keep operating during IT failures, cyberattacks, natural disasters, and other unexpected events that could disrupt productivity, harm customer experience, and damage reputation.

A good disaster recovery solution will allow businesses to protect data and IT assets by automatically backing them up to a secondary location. This can help businesses recover from an IT outage or data loss faster, limit revenue losses, and avoid costly penalties and fines.

Some disaster recovery solutions also include capabilities like granular management that makes it easier to restore individual files or applications, and continuous system monitoring that detects issues and vulnerabilities before they impact performance. They can also work across different storage and hypervisor platforms so that they are compatible with many IT environments.

A disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) provider, for example, can offer cloud connectivity, pooled storage, and long-term retention to enable faster backups, recoveries, and failover. These tools also provide a simplified setup and deployment process, which reduces management overhead. They can also be integrated with other resiliency and backup tools to create an end-to-end DR solution.

For example, Zerto offers an integrated DRaaS platform that supports multiple hypervisors and storage platforms. It works with VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V, and provides protection for multi-TB SQL, Exchange, Oracle, and file server VMs. The product also includes orchestration and automation that simplifies recovery, while reducing storage costs. disaster recovery solutions

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